Wednesday, November 4, 2015

To defend or not.

Confession: I'm a little type A. At least when it comes to spending my time with Jesus. I like to have a study plan, set out a time, and get to it. Well the last couple of months I have been all over the place when it comes spending time with Him. Because here is my thing: I want the Spirit to lead me on where to read. I want to go where He leads me in The Word. But I have discovered something, He is ALL over The Word. No matter what He tells or doesn't tell me to read, He is still in there. He will give me revelation and what I need out of that chapter that I am reading. So with knowing that in my heart I start on Philippians chapter 1.

I have been reading the same chapter for a couple of days, just praying through it. And to be honest, sometimes it is hard to read the same thing over and over again. Because I think that I am going to be bored. But that it what is so great about our God, He OPENS our eyes, He REVEALS words and phrases to us that we have read for 3 days or longer! And that is exactly what He did to me this morning...

So here is the background... Paul is in prison. That is nothing really new to us. He is writing to the church in the city of Philippi. He tells them that while He is in prison, that the gospel is going forth. Even the palace guards heard as to why he was in chains, and most of them who are followers of Christ became more confident and bold to preach the gospel. Paul also says that there are people who preach the gospel in envy and strife while others from goodwill. But Paul doesn't care who is preaching and what there intentions are, just as long as the gospel is being preached.  He makes a statement " I am appointed for the defense of the gospel".

This statement sparked something in me. Am I defensive about the gospel?

1. De-fen-sive: used or intended to defend or protect.
      (Does not mean that you have to use any sort of violence or slander, that is not Gods heart anyway) 

Do I take a stand and ensure that I protect something that is some important to me?
Do I really live a life where I am sharing the gospel to the "palace guards"?

We ARE appointed and anointed to share this good news, and to protect it.

So...Do you defend the gospel? Do you make ABBA known?.

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