Monday, August 31, 2015


So a couple of weeks ago, I ask The Lord to give me dreams. I prayed and said "Lord, if you give me dreams I will write them down." And of course, He starts to give me dreams. One dream, however, stood out to me. Here was the dream: me and some of my friends were on this rock (kind of like the one off the lion king) and when we looked down we saw a field of just green grass, tall green grass. So we each took each others hands, looked around and smiled. Then...we jumped. And of course I woke up.

This dream has been on my mind since I woke up from it. I have been asking The Lord what it means, and I know I haven't gotten the full interpretation as of yet. But what I do know about this dream is that this was a transition in all of our lives. We could have decided to get scared and to back out of jumping, but NO, we were excited. We grabbed hands and went for it. We jumped into the tall grass without a second thought.

The reason why I decided to bring this up was for this reason: if God is bringing you into a new season then hesitate? Why don't we just jump. If we really know who Jesus is, and who we are in Him, then why are we scared? We know He works ALL THINGS for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). We know that He is able to do more than we can even think or ask (Ephesians 3:20). So then, why don't we jump? If we know these truths, and we know our identity in Christ, then we should be excited. We should just jump, even if the season is crappy. Because ya know what, I know my dad, and He takes care of me, in every season. He doesn't stop loving me because a new season of life starts, He is right there. Now, He may be present in different ways in different seasons, but He is there! So today I want to encourage you (and myself) to jump. To trust that YOUR dad, the One who made you, knows how to take care of you in the season you are in, or the one you are about to jump into.

Jump in faith.

Jump in obedience.

Jump in love.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Let it all go.

I have had these thoughts for a while.
These ideas for a while. 
The thoughts of "this would be longer than ___ characters".

My thought is worship. True, abandoned worship. And what that actually means. Not just the normal Sunday morning, but the worship you give your Creator before you are about to leave for work. The kind of worship that you give Him when you have had a bad day. Because He sees those efforts, He sees those moments when you could be complaining about your day, but instead you say "Jesus, You are wonderful". You declare who He is, and who You are in Him. That is hard to do sometimes, but its beautiful. It means something to Him. He hears you.

True worship has been on my mind a lot this week. What does it mean? How is it possible? Does it really work? The kind of worship where no one else in the world matters but Him. These questions just kept circling through my head over and over. Now don't get me wrong I love worship, I mean I truly love tell Jesus who He is! However, I thought that true, abandoned worship could happen to everyone but me. So then I had another question: how can people get that "type" of worship and not me? And yes I'm comparing myself to others (I'm still working on that). But what I have learned is that I wasn't giving God all that I had. It was always just half of what I was going through or half of myself. So earlier this week, way before the sunrise I worshiped. With all that I had. I had no bounds, no limits, just a line that I needed to cross. In that moment I noticed something: the more I was in His presence with all my crap, and all of my mess, the harder it was for me to leave. I could sit there all day, telling Him all the things I loved about Him, and not think that I had anything that I was hiding from Him. 

After that I started to see how I could worship Him outside of my room, outside of my apartment. Because I had nothing to hide from Him it was easier to declare who He was throughout the day, to my friends, to people I encountered. And actually mean what I say. Because when you encounter Jesus in a real way, and with all that you have there is freedom. 

So what if when we just want to have moment with Jesus, when we want to worship, that we give Him all we have, and just let Him take you where you were called to go?  During that time with Jesus, in your room, with a group of people, in a coffee shop, you would just let go.