Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Battle..

This week. 

There is no other word to describe it other than: hard. 

Hard: requiring a great deal of endurance and effort. 

Hard to maintain.

Hard to focus.

Hard to love, and feel love in return.

So you must understand my relief last night. Away from the week. Seemingly to be away from it all. 

I, nor (I would guess), anyone would like to backslide. Even the word doesn't sound appealing. However that is what seemed to happen. The battle between keeping my eyes on The Lord, and listening to the devil was fought several times this week. Actually more than several.



However. 1 thing happened. 

1 thing I needed.


The rebuke of not loving.

The rebuke of complaining. 

The rebuke of comparison.

Oh, how thankful I am for rebuke. 

Oh, how thankful I am for the Holy Spirit. 

Jesus, you still here. You still care. 
Your still pursuing, still chasing after me. 
Thank You. 
Even when I thought I was alone, you was there.
Because thats the thing: you never leave.
The battle has been won. 
Pick Jesus, every time. He is the only one who satisfies.