Saturday, November 1, 2014


Yeah...I think the name of the post says whats been going on this past week. Well at least Wednesday-now. The beginning of the week started out great, my kids were okay at both jobs, and my personal life was good. But then week started to shift into a spiral that I did not even see coming. As the days kept going my kids behavior started to shift and so did my patience.It was a real struggle making it to Friday. But I did...yet my personal life started to shake as well. (Sometimes I just need a break). 

To be really honest:I often feel like people don't  care about me, like I care about them, not in feelings, not in worth, not in a friend, not in anything. And that has broken me these past few days. Because I try to treat people right, love them, and care for them. Not saying at all that I am perfect. So it really crushes me when I feel as though I'm not cared about (but that may just be my own problem). 

But I did realize that I hadn't read my bible in a couple of days. Which should not happen. I need to have time with MY SAVIOR, MY DAD. I feel as though if I would have spent time with Him more then I could have handled everything in my life better this week. So now it's November 1st, snowing outside (super excited about that), and I found myself clinging to the Bible. Reading through Luke 3, I found this commentary by Matthew Henry, "By the fruits of repentance it will be known whether it be sincere or no. By the change of our way must be evidenced the change of our mind.5. If we be not really holy, both in heart and life, our profession of religion and relation to God and his church will stand us in no stead at all."

 Talk about a blow through my chest. So letting my pride go...
                 I am so sorry for not being with us with week like I should have. I should have YOUR word written on my heart and I didn't even give you a second glance this week. God i am so sorry how I treated my kids. They deserve LOVE, and I didn't give them all of my  Your love this week. I am so sorry for treating the people in my life like I hated them. Lord help me not to stay isolated, but to be around community. God, change me, mold me, make me to look like you. God I;m so sorry for not spending time with my family when I should. Lord please help me! I need you, I love you. Jesus, make this day about You. 

                                                        In Jesus Name, 